Jassos Arts

handmade customized wedding calendar

Welcome to our creative corner at The Jasoos Arts. Today, we’re excited to share the making of one of our most special projects: a Handmade wedding calendar. So, this unique piece is more than just a calendar; it’s a work of art that captures the magic of a couple’s special day. Featuring a 3D effect with the bride’s lehenga emerging out of the canvas, hence this creation is a testament to our passion for craftsmanship and creativity.

Handmade wedding calendar

Every wedding is a beautiful story, and we wanted to create a piece that celebrates this journey. . Therefore our Handmade wedding  calendar is designed to be a daily reminder of the love and joy shared on this momentous occasion. Therefore,  the idea was to blend traditional artistry with modern 3D effects, creating a stunning visual that stands out.

The Design Process

  • Consultation: It all starts with understanding the couple’s vision. We discuss their preferences, wedding themes, and any special elements they want to include. This helps us create a design that is truly personal and meaningful.
  • Sketching: Our artists begin with detailed sketches, laying out the calendar’s design. This includes the placement of dates, special highlights like the wedding day, and decorative elements that complement the couple’s story.
  • Choosing Materials: For the 3D effects, we select high-quality materials that will bring depth and dimension to the canvas. The bride’s lehenga, for instance, is crafted from fine fabric that mimics the richness of traditional wedding attire.

Bringing the canvas life

  • Canvas Preparation: We start with a premium canvas, ensuring it’s stretched and primed to provide a perfect base for painting. Hence, this is crucial for the durability and finish of the final piece.
  • Base Painting: Our artists paint the calendar base, incorporating the chosen colors and design elements. Each date is carefully painted, with special attention given to the wedding day, often highlighted with intricate patterns or embellishments.

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